A wishlist for St. Joseph CYCC

Check out our most urgent needs and help us make them a reality

Below, we have created a collection of services and things that the children in St. Joseph CYCC urgently need as soon as possible. We don’t have funds to acquire these at the moment, but they are on the list for the near future. If you’re looking for a reason to donate, this is the best place to get an overview.

This wishlist will receive regular updates (Last update: January 2025)

big trampoline

A trampoline is always a big hit for all our children in
St. Joseph CYCC. Sadly, the last one was destroyed by a storm. If you’re able to help, this will put a smile on every child’s face around here.

paint & painting

Our kids use their beloved  jungle gym in the garden every single day. The wooden structure is in need of maintenance. To do that, we need paint and some help to make it happen.

gardening tools

To maintain our veggie garden and keep the “Garden Project” alive, we need some new tools for the garden. If you’re keen to help, this is a practical necessity that is urgent.

school uniforms

It’s a never-ending story:
We constantly need school uniforms and clothing, a bag, and stationary for each child. If you can help with those daily necessities, we’d be very grateful.

Drop us a message to learn more about our most urgent needs, check costs,
or chat about how to contribute in the best possible way.