Some of our toddlers have taken a big step by embarking into their school journey. These have been the most exciting days of their lives.
In St. Joseph Child and Youth Care Centre we have a number of toddlers around the age four. They are occupying the upper area of the house, apart from the older kids. Two of them had already started going to pre-school; the rest started their education journey just recently at the beginning of this year. They all go to Antonia-Werr-Créche which is just a few meters away from St.Joseph. The créche – which is the common word for a preschool in South Africa – was established by the Holy Childhood Sisters and is run by four staff members. Our little ones get up at 5:45 am and get ready for school. They have to be in the créche by 7:30 am to begin their daily schedule: Free activity, breakfast, prayer and the greeting ring which the kids love doing. Each day has a theme, for example weather charts, months of the year, numbers, colors or shapes. Eventually it’s story time and then lunch, before they return to the children’s home at two o’clock in the afternoon. Our children from St. Joseph CYCC are happy to belong to the “big ones” now, although some of them were shy and overwhelmed by this new step of life. Each day they come home with something new and interesting which they have learnt in school – and they always look forward to the next day.
Text & photos by: Sr. Maria Machi
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