The Round Table 24 Eshowe has supported St. Joseph throughout the year 2019. Our children and the whole staff are truly grateful for their friendship.

In early 2019, St. Joseph CYCC sent a list of our most urgent wishes and needed upgrades to Round Table 24 Eshowe. And boy, what a response we got! During the course of the year, we received R35.000 worth of goodies and support. Round Table 24 Eshowe donated income from all their functions in 2019 – amongst them a Golf Day at Eshowe Hills – to our NGO. Amongst the most important upgrades were a computer and a printer for our financial office, couches for the hall, a bunch of office furniture the government requested us to buy, tons of toys for the children and equipment for repainting our buildings. Some of the members also came out to Mbongolwane to visit and had fun with our children. We are truly grateful for their friendship and hope for many more visits in the years to come.

Round Table 24 Eshowe is part of the South African and international Round Table Association. Round Table Associations are active in local communities and donate to organizations working in public welfare and the promotion of understanding amongst peoples of different cultural, language and political backgrounds. Their members are men between the age of 18 and 40 years.

ds, Photos: Round Table





One response

  1. You guys are absolute legends there at St Joseph’s! You do amazing work, it was really a priveledge and honour to be able to assist in a little way.

    Thanks for all you do for the people who need it the most.

    We will endeavour to assist as much as possible in the future.

    All the best from the gentlemen of Eshowe 24 Round Table

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