It was a touching moment when two of our children had to say farewell to St. Joseph’s Child and Youth Care Centre. The eight-year-old girl and her baby sister lived in St. Joseph’s Child and Youth Care Centre (CYCC) for more than one year. Now it was time for them to be reunited with their family at home, something the children have always longed for. With the help of social workers, Holy Childhood Sisters and careworkers that wish could be fulfilled. It was a touching moment when the two sisters finally had to say goodbye to St. Joseph’s children and careworkers. There was a lot of cake and snacks, as the remaining children had prepared a farewell party for their friends. All of us in St. Joseph will miss our friend the poet: The older girl was especially gifted in reciting poems which made her famous not only in St. Joseph but also in her school. She also showed great dancing skills. Her sister was a joyous baby, and both of them will be missed by the whole staff of St. Joseph CYCC. Together as a team we pray that the future of the two young sisters will be bright and their reunion with the family will be blessed.

Text / Photos: Sr. Maria / D. Scharnagl










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