St. Joseph CYCC welcomes a new staff member into its family. We are fortunate that our new senior care worker is a young lady who is well trained and experienced.

St. Joseph has employed a new senior care worker who will take over from her predecessor, Sr. Crossantia. Zodwa is a young lady who is well experienced. She was referred to the board by Mr. Mbongiseni, owner of St. Anthony CYCC in Newcastle which is a very good friend to our children’s home. This made the process easy and fast. Zodwa obtained a degree in Child and Youth Care work. She worked in St. Anthony from 2012 for a period of two years. Thereafter she preceded to Durban and worked for NACCW (National Association of Child Care Workers), doing onsite training with child and youth care workers. In the following years Zodwa set off to Johannesburg and the Western Cape and became acquainted in different jobs. Just before she started in St. Joseph she worked in an organisation in Eshowe, where she conducted HIV family education programmes in rural communities.

In St. Joseph, Zodwa will be a care worker for different age groups. At the same time, she will serve as a link between care workers and management. All board members and executive staff are very pleased to have found someone who is well equipped for the job. “I look forward to seeing positive changes”, said Sr. Assumpta, Centre Manager of the children’s home. On the first Sunday of September, Zodwa was welcomed by the entire staff at a little function, surrounded by the girls and boys she will be taking care of from now on.

Text by: Sr. Maria Machi

Photo by: Daniel Scharnagl





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