St. Joseph’s CYCC reap what they sow: The garden project for the children is a big success

The Garden project was started by the older children and the St.Joseph’s care-workers last year.The purpose of this project is that the children start something of their own and watch it grow by looking after it. They learn about creation and giving what you have created  life. This is an on going process – at the moment the second round of vegetables are planted. It is an important part of their activities at St.Joseph’s CYCC. The seeds that they planted were cabbages, spinach, potatoes, onions and mealies. This was a great success because the vegetables grew well on good soil. The children play a very vital role by watering the vegetables and taking care of them. They enjoy working in their garden when they come back from school and this has taught them how to be responsible. When it is time harvest the veggies go to the kitchen so that the children can enjoy their fresh vegetables and some they sell to the neighboring people of Mbongolwane.  We are very proud of our children for their good co-operation in making their project successful.






Text & pictures: Sr. Maria Machi



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