Once a year our children participate in a modeling show at school. We are very proud of them especially for one of them who made it in the top finalist.

Every year there is a modeling competition held at Thembalesizwe Primary, where our older children are schooling. It is open for all learners to enter if they wish to. After a few practice sessions the teachers select children to take part in the modeling show. Fortunately ten children from St. Joseph CYCC made it through. Before their „big day“ the children all went shopping and chose what they wanted to wear for the show. It was required of the participants to have a formal outfit and a swimming costume. On the day of the event there were approximately 30 models and the school had organized two judges who are not part of the school staff. Parents, guardians and learners were also welcome come to watch for a small fee which goes towards the school’s fundraising. A few of our care-workers, the social worker and one of the Sisters attended to support our children on their special day. In order to win the competition the judges were looking at the walk, confidence and dressing of the models. On of our St. Joseph’s children came out third in the top finalists of his age group. He received a watch as his prize.“Every competition only has one winner. But all our children looked stunning and we are proud of them“, says Nelly, one of the careworkers.

Text&Photos by Sr. Maria Machi



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