For the third consecutive year, Eshowe ladies joined together before Christmas to bring joy to our children.

Three years ago, development worker Julia Scharnagl came up with the idea of a fundraiser to involve as many Eshowe ladies as possible in the work of St. Joseph CYCC in Mbongolwane. The NGO is situated in a rural area just around the corner from their hometown; nevertheless, only very few people have ever made it out there. „It is important to create awareness for our cause“, Mrs. Scharnagl says. „Many people are keen to help, but don’t know where to start.“

The Christmas project was one of the greatest successes within the awareness campaign. Ladies out of various social groups in the Eshowe community came forward to help and engage in the activities of the children’s home. Supplied with a child’s age and size, the ladies would adopt one or more of the children and buy presents for them. St. Joseph would also provide them with information about the childrens‘ greatest needs, for example school uniforms, church clothes, stationary or school bags.

In the weeks before christmas, a bunch of ladies would come out to visit the children’s home, engage and play with the kids and hand over the presents in the hall. In 2020, Covid-19 restrictions allowed only one lady to come out, representing all of the donors. She saw 30 bright shining pairs of eyes: Every single child got a huge packet with presents, goodies and sweets. There was music, dancing and a lot of fun had by all on the day. Everyone was very grateful for the continous local support, which makes a big difference for St. Joseph and its children.

Text & Photos: ds



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