Sr. Rose has spent 56 years in South Africa – many of those in Mbongolwane Convent. Now she has left the Region of St. Clare and returned back to Germany.
A few weeks ago, it was time to finally bid farewell to Sr. Rose after spending 56 years in South Africa. In 1965, she was one of the first German sisters to arrive in South Africa, sent from the Motherhouse in Oberzell, Germany. Her first assignment was in Mbongolwane convent, where she was responsible for the laundry and the domestic workers in the hospital. At that time, the hospital was still run by the Holy Childhood Sisters, before it was taken over by the government in September 1978. However, Sr. Rose continued working there and was asked to stay when her contract was over. Years later she left the hospital and opened a sewing centre in Mbongolwane Mission where she taught young women to sew. After completing the courses, the ladies were awarded with certificates. In 1994 Sr. Rose was transferred to Eshowe Convent where she was responsible for the garden and the workmen until her last days in the country.
Before she left South Africa, all the people who were close to Sr. Rose came to say goodbye. The women that she taught sewing came with gifts to thank her and wish her well. St. Benedict Cathedral organized a bring and share tea party for Sister, to spend time with her for the last time as she will not return to South Africa again. The Sisters of the Region of St. Clare also had a touching moment together in Eshowe Convent during recreation. Each sister shared what she will miss about Sr. Rose and the precious times they experienced with her. „I take it as it comes“, said Sr. Rose in response of her departure. We all wish her a good health and stay in Antoniushouse – her new convent in Germany.
Text by: Sr. Maria Machi
Photos by: Sr. Juliana Seelman
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