Finally St. Joseph CYCC has a new trampoline. We are very grateful to our benefactors.

A few  years ago we bought a trampoline for St. Joseph. It quickly became one of the biggest attractions for our children. They loved it and practiced their jumping every day, until it broke down earlier this year. Recently we got a new one, thanks to a special donation one of our volunteers’ families. The new trampoline is much bigger than the previous one so that it can accommodate more children at a time. “I always look forward to come back from school so I can practice doing flips on our trampoline”, says 8-year-old S’yabonga. All the children enjoy playing on the trampoline, even our toddlers. Some of them can’t jump so they sit and bounce as the others kids are jumping.

We are very thankful to our benefactors for bringing back the fun and tackling one of our needs for our Children’s  Home.

Text by: Sr. Maria Machi

Photos by: Miss Lena Gruschka




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