Lent is a Holy season that is commemorated in the Catholic Church. In St. Joseph, children and staff are also called to reflect and renounce until Easter. 

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. For our children, receiving the ashes on their forehead is always a special occasion which they are looking forward to. The ash cross is a symbol of repentance and conversion; it is done with the ashes of blessed palms from the previous year (Palm Sunday). Lent lasts for forty days and reminds us of the forty days our Lord spent in the desert alone in prayer. Forty days symbolise a long period of time, a time for preparation for a great event: Easter! It is a time when we should all think about how well we are trying to live as God’s children and a time to review and renew of relationships with God and others. Our children learn about this in a playful and positive way.

We wish everyone a fruitful season.

Text/Photos: Sr. Maria Machi



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